In the 14th century, Latgallian costumes underwent a great change. The dark blue woolen shawls with the interwoven bronze ring pattern were replaced by shoulder blankets made of wool and linen – either checkered or patterned. The shapes and ornaments of the armbands worn also changed. Small yellow glass paste beads, tiny bronze spirals and tin-lead rosettes were used for decoration of both shoulder shawls and headdresses (vainags).
The costume of the 11th and 12th century Latgallian woman is characterized by an ornate woolen shawl and a rich range of ornaments, which showed the garment wearer's special position in society. The dark blue woolen shawl is entirely covered by bronze decorations and pinned at the chest with a brooch. A metal crown and neck rings were the most luxurious adornments and were worn in large numbers along with decorations made of chain. The hands were adorned by spiral armbands and many finger-rings.